April Project Update!

Wow, I can’t believe April is almost over. That went fast. Altogether, April has been a month full of sunshine, birdsong, imagination, creativity, watercolors, library trips, and books. I also watched The Chosen for the first time with my family and was pleasantly surprised. Here’s a collage of pictures from this month:

Top left to right: Clouds & Mountains, Yellow Flowers, a Flower My Sister Put in My Hair ; Bottom left to right: Watercolor “Jewel” Mountains, Something for Instagram, another Watercolor for Resurrection Day.

I have managed to get a lot done this April. The accountability thing I mentioned earlier in the month seems to be working.

My Progress on the April Goals:

  • Purchase ISBNs ✓
  • Begin final cover design ✓ (I have actually begun work on my own cover art!)
  • Finish illustrations and map ✓ (For the most part, this is done. I just need to finalize the map. The illustrations are all done.)
  • Edit the last few chapters of my book ✓
  • Begin work with the editor ✓

And there you have it! I am looking forward to seeing what May holds.

As a side note, I recently heard that something new is on the horizon for the Wingfeather Saga, something I’m insanely excited about. They’re partnering with Angel Studios (yes, the same Angel Studios that created The Chosen) to release an animated series! You can learn more by watching the livestream they did last night or by visiting here, where they’re testing the waters to see how many people express interest in the project. If you’re a fan of the Wingfeather Saga book series and enjoyed the animated short film they released in 2017, consider checking it out!

Have a wonderful day, friends!

Published by Sonora Newheart

I am a writer, artist, introvert, book lover, and music enthusiast! On The Arbitrary Fairy, I blog about various topics that I am passionate about. I hope that my writing brings a little spark of light to the lives of my readers.

6 thoughts on “April Project Update!

  1. *Throws confetti* Congratulations on your progress! You’ve been busy. I don’t think I’ll ever design my own cover since past attempts have been epic failures, but anything maps is the best! I think that’s one of my favorite parts – you get to learn where your characters live, the topography, the kingdom/clan/village sizes…yeah. Just fun. Keep us updated!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! Good job on your goals, and congrats on the maps! I love maps 🙂 That’s amazing! Your art and photos are gorgeous. I really love The Chosen and I’m glad you like it!

    Liked by 1 person

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